Getting visa on the road can be time consuming, expensive and frustrating at times. Especially when crossing Africa, it can be hard to get hold of that little needed piece of paper that gets you into that count...
Duration Mauritania: 1,5h
Duration Senegal: 1.5 h (+Registration Carnet de Passages in Dakar)
Costs/person involved:
customs 4000 MRO unofficial per bike
500 MRO road tax official
Nous avons laissé Dakhla et le Sahara occidental derrière nous et, à part de la bouteille à essence volée, tout c’est bien passé. On nous a plusieurs fois dit que la frontière avec la Mauritanie était l’horreur...
Duration Moroccon side: 45m
Duration Mauritanian side: 1h 15m
General impression: easy
Costs/person involved: 5€ for the fixer, 120 € fort he VISA (from 01/01/2017 on 50€)
People had warne...