Duration: 45 min either side
Costs involvd: none
General impression: easy
Wli is just a very small border crossing but it is the shortest road to Kpalime if you visited the waterfalls.
Get your pa...
The first stop in Ghana is Mole National Park in the north of the country. If you want to spot elephants then this is the place to be so we were told more than once along the road. And elephants we saw, that mu...
Tom has recovered fine from malaria and the visa for Ghana are finally there. So it’s time to say goodbeye to Guillaume and the team from Le Pavillon Vert in Ouagadougou. We’re setting off to the Karfiguéla fal...
Duration: 20 min Burkina side, 60 min Ghana side
Costs involvd: none
General impression: easy
Leaving Burkina is simple. Getting into Ghana takes a little more time
About 6 km before the border: g...
Getting visa on the road can be time consuming, expensive and frustrating at times. Especially when crossing Africa, it can be hard to get hold of that little needed piece of paper that gets you into that count...