Duration: 45 min either side
Costs involvd: none
General impression: easy
Wli is just a very small border crossing but it is the shortest road to Kpalime if you visited the waterfalls.
Get your pa...
Duration: 20 min Burkina side, 60 min Ghana side
Costs involvd: none
General impression: easy
Leaving Burkina is simple. Getting into Ghana takes a little more time
About 6 km before the border: g...
Duration: 30 min either side
Costs involvd: none
General impression: easy
This border crossing is easy
About 25 km before the border, in the town of Kiri: get your passports stamped by the Mali po...
Duration: 45 min
Costs involvd: none
General impression: easy
This must have been the easiest border crossing so far. There's really not much to it.
About 2 km before the border: get you...
Duration Mauritania: 1,5h
Duration Senegal: 1.5 h (+Registration Carnet de Passages in Dakar)
Costs/person involved:
customs 4000 MRO unofficial per bike
500 MRO road tax official
Duration Moroccon side: 45m
Duration Mauritanian side: 1h 15m
General impression: easy
Costs/person involved: 5€ for the fixer, 120 € fort he VISA (from 01/01/2017 on 50€)
People had warne...
Duration: 45 min
Our impression: piece of cake
Costs involved: 0€
Step 1: Driving out of Spain: put on your friendliest smile, show your passport and off you go!
Step 2: Once on the Moroccan s...