We are freelance journalists and we publish in the written press. That is our main source of income and funding for this trip. We do so in 3 languages (en, fr, nl) in various magazines. We cover our story from the viewpoints of adventure motorbiking, travel and lifestyle and offer various formats like full articles, 1-pagers, columns and social content.
Checkout our extensive list of publications
If you are looking for high quality articles and pictures, either in a series or just one off, have a look at our available articles. Note that we avoid publishing the same articles in the same areas more than once. When applying for a series of articles, aforementioned exclusivity is for a period of 6 months. For one off articles, the exclusivity is for a period of three months unless the article is part of a series sold as a whole.
All articles come with a set of HiRes pictures with captions and when applicable a gps trace. These visuals can be used in the final layout of the article. Publishers are free to do minor final editing work to make the article more readable or omit certain parts of the article when considered less relevant to the magazines audience. However, adding content or substantially modifying the articles is forbidden as well as adding subtle nuances changing the original spirit of the content or adding commercial messages.
We from MotoMorgana offer advertising space on our website to partners that are targeting the same audience as we do. That can either be one of the following:
- Motorbiking
- Adventure travel
- Adventure Lifestyle
- Foreign kitchen and streetfood
We do work together with sponsoring partners for some of the equipment we use. However, we do not tend to rely on their support to make our project feasible and we want to avoid that at all cost. The reason is that we want to choose what we are convinced of to be the best equipment. We strongly refuse to compromise on that one.
Our visibility in the market gives us the opportunity to select the sponsoring partners we want to work with. Rather than looking for a partner that would please, please, please give us this or that, or sell us equipment at a lower price, it is rather us approaching a potential partner saying we truly believe in his product. The reason we are able to do this is because over the past ten years of traveling we have gathered a whole lot of experience. We for sure made mistakes when selecting stuff, but over time we learned from it and came to a list of equipment we think suits our needs best.
However, we do not have an absolute monopoly on wisdom. We are open to suggestions and requests. So if you are convinced your product could make life on the road more enjoyable, for us, for our followers and readers, then please feel free to make your suggestion but bear in mind it is up to YOU to convince us of the qualities of your product.
This approach is the only way we can guarantee credibility of our reviews, selection guides and recommendations. Be aware that we aim for absolute unbiased opinions in the posts we write.
To whom it may concern, here’s a list of criteria we take into account
- Is it lightweight and compact?
- Do we need it, can we really use it?
- Is it easy to use, comfortable and functional?
- Is it long lasting and reliable?
- What is the fun factor?
- Is there an added value to our followers and readers?
Any suggestions from people pointing us in the right direction for interesting equipment manufacturers for sure is valued too. Surprise us with your bright ideas!
We from MotoMorgana are willing to think with our partners in order to deliver customized content. Whether you are looking for a series on streetfood along our route, or you think it is fun to publish a series of a specific profession around the world, just let us know and we will get in touch to investigate the options.
We are open to a lot, as long as it has a link with our project and is in line with our interests and capabilities.
We from MotoMorgana take partnerships serious. Working together with others allows us to continue doing what we do. We start from the principle that the only way partnerships can survive is by creating mutual added value, by creating a win win situation for all parties involved. All parties, that means our partners, ourselves and most importantly, our readers and followers. They are our main asset and we damn know that all too well!
There’s 3 main things we focus on:
- We offer a true story, true reviews, true opinions, straight from the field.
- We do our very best to bring quality content and photography through multiple communication channels.
- We continuously invest in a vivid community around our unique adventure.
Let the figures speak! These are our current deliverables:
Online visitors: (launch planned may 2016)
Social media
Written press
MotoJournal (FR-fr)
Bi-weekly publication
230 pages committed
Monthly circulation: 116.000
Motoren & Toerisme (BE-NL, nl)
Monthly publication
280 pages committed
Monthly circulation: 27.000
Moto & Loisirs (BE-FR, fr)
Monthly publication
280 pages committed
Monthly circulation: 13.000
A.S. Adventure magazine (BE-NL, nl)
Quarterly publication
Monthly circulation: 66.000
VAB- magazine
Monthly column
Customized content
5 online publications/year